Monday, March 26, 2012

Food From a College Perspective....


As you guys know I AM in Culinary school so food is my freakin LIFE.
I blame Mama [my grandma], she's the whole reason why I love to cook so much ;)
 But the ONE thing I find VERY difficult, especially being a college student, is finding good, cheap, HEALTHY foods to eat...
...cause we all know that if it ain't fries and burgers from the caf [or Five Guys ;) ], that we're scarfin down Oodles of Noodles or SOME type of Chef Boyardee/Campbell's  product. -__-
 Back when I was at my first college, I was unaware that those cheap, processed foods are soo bad for us! But, unfortunately, when you're on a budget you gotta do what you gotta do...which is the story for most of us college kids now. 

 I PERSONALLY know that, due to how most of our schedules are, MOST of us don't find the time to eat breakfast...and if we DO, it's usually some coffee or a Poptart or something.


They don't say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for nothin! 
Breakfast helps to kick start your metabolism and revs up your brain to retain information throughout the day. It also keeps you alert in class [unless it's boring as hell -_-] and allows you to not feel so sluggish through the day.
 One thing I recommend is buying some bagels/bread & Peanut butter and Jelly to make a quick lil sandwich in the morning, or buying breakfast bars, trail mix, dry cereal, microwaveable oatmeal or some canned fruit. Cause there ARE times where we wake up 10mins before class starts and we don't have time to stop at the caf or Starbucks to grab somethin right quick; this way you'll have your own stash ;)
  If your dorms are sketchy about having microwaves and/or fridges in the rooms (like my last school was) you might wanna stick to the breakfast bars, trail mix and cereal you like to eat dry. AND if you wanna heat up your bread/ bagel, wrap it in some foil FIRST, then grab that iron, turn that sucker on High/ Cotton, or WHATEVA your setting is and toast it until it's brown...i'd say about 3mins per side [yeah, we get ghetto up in here] ;)

Make healthier decisions!!
At my last school, we didn't have a salad bar like my recent school does; we had pre- prepared salads that weren't fresh, they BARELY served us vegetables/fruit, and all we had was soda and juice to choose from. 
The menu choices were bad for us [pizza, wings, burgers, etc..] but we had no choice but to eat it. When I tell you, that mess catches up with you...FAST! At one point I was eating Buffalo Wings and fries EVERY.DAY. Can you say constipated??
T.M.I I know, but it's the truth! 
This is what some of us go through at certain colleges that don't give us healthy options: we get fat, we can't poop, and we get sluggish & cranky... -__-
Student at Univ. of Arkansas petitioning for real food

If you're in a predicament such as this and you find yourself wanting healthier choices, try to make a suggestion to the head of the caf, or even the president of the school.
This is YOUR money they're are allowed to make suggestions and demand healthier food choices because YOU'RE paying THEM. They aren't paying you.
Meanwhile, if you have money, go to your local grocery store/ marketplace and get some fruits that you know you love to eat. If you're one of those ppl that doesn't like eating fruit, try V8 Splash or V8 Fusion...they're freakin delicious! And they give you the nutrients you need from fruits AND vegetables, without you having to eat them :)
This is what we look like most of the,
At this stage of our lives where we're claiming our independence and learning how to be on our own, we need to learn how to take PROPER care of ourselves because no one else is gonna do it for us. That's one of MANY things I realized while being on my own. One benefit of being in Culinary school is that they make us so aware of processed foods and how bad they are for's REALLY eye-opening and gut wrenching because you sit there and listen to/read/watch what they're saying..and in your mind you think.."I was putting THAT in my body???" *barf face*
Being in college, we like cheap, fast food that we can eat on the go and be satisfied until our bellies start interrupting our teacher during lecture with their loud, obnoxious growling...
..but little do we know what that food goes through and, in return, what it puts our BODIES through. If I had known 10 years ago what McDonald's does to their food...I would have neva wanted to see another Happy Meal in my LIFE. Foreal's THAT scary!

A book series I will NEVER stop recommending is Eat This, Not That. 
I freakin LIVE by this book!!
It shows you regular old grocery foods/fast food foods/ foods you can prepare yourself...
...and it compares them to better, HEALTHIER  options, either by that same brand, company or store!
The best part about it is don't even have to buy the book [I know some of us are a lil short on change ;) ] You can go right to the website RIGHT HERE
Follow them on Twitter ;) !!
The site is full of slideshows and stuff, so it's not a whole bunch of reading like the book is, but it's FULL of  basic, useful information that we can all apply to our lives. 
And I'm PRETTY sure they have an app for iPhones/iPods and Android phones so you can have it wherever you go!

 You don't have to give up on the cheap fast or processed foods, but it IS important that you limit the intake and make the healthier choice.
So go online and look up some info and's a lil time consuming, but the info is soooo helpful. It'll help you stay healthy without busting your wallet...who doesn't want THAT??

Some websites I recommend:

Disclaimer: I do not in any way, shape, or form own any of these pictures. No copyright infringement intended

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Self Inspiration: Self Confidence 101

I LOVE this girl!
She's so FLIPPIN beautiful!!
This vid is a lil lengthy, but well worth it.
Happy Sunday ladies!!

❤Self Confidence 101: Loving Yourself & Having A Positive Attitude❤

It's so FLUFFYYY!!: My hair story

I thought I was so cute wit my lil bald head..lmao!

Growing up, I always DREADED gettin my hair done cause my mom was BEYOND heavy-handed!!
She would wash and do my hair about once a month [twice if it got REAL nasty], blow dry it, put it in two big twists hangin from  lil bow-bows wit my barrettes on the ends of my hair, and that was IT! 
Every once in a while somebody (one of her co-workers or one of my aunts) would come cornrow my hair up real nice and that would last the whole month. But once it was time to take it out?? Talk about BAWLIN!!

When I got to middle school, my grandma started pressin my hair wit the hot comb...
The REAL hot comb too! 
You gotta sit next to the stove,
 put it on the fire, wait for it to get hot, rub it on a piece of paper towel to see if it's too hot, and if it is, you blow on it while you straightenin the hair?? 
Wit the DAX pressing oil??
The house ALWAYS smelled like burnt hair eveeeryyy other week!
So she showed my mom how to do it so she could keep up the style once we moved from Brooklyn to Jersey.
Now, I didn't know how to do my hair AT ALL...all I knew was to brush it or comb it, grease it & tie it up when i was goin to bed and that was it. But I thought I looked all types of good wit my lil straight hair!
Once H.S came along, I noticed ALOT of hair in my brushes when I'd brush my hair and I didn't really know that it was that much of a bad thing.
cause that's how mommy's brush was too
But what I ALSO noticed was how short my hair had gotten and I did NOT like it >_<

One day I was lookin at TV and I was like, "Why are they showin all these commercials/ tv shows w/ black women havin some curly ass hair. How do they get their hair that way? 0_O"
And back when I noticed this, this was when the CW was still UPN, and they were showin Girlfriends (Tracey Ellis-Ross) and Half & Half (This chick, v)
Rachel True
 and I was like... "Only mixed ppl can have hair like that...but I WANT IT TOO!" [ignorant, I know -__- ].

Sooo, I looked up rod sets and stuff and some natural hair care sites came up along w/ it, and I was HOOKED.
The FIRST natural hair care website I was obsessed w/ was
...I went through ALL of her albums, read EVERY post..and I became SOOOO inspired about something that I always had: natural hair!

I was SO inspired, that I wanted to know MORE!! I wanted to know it ALL!!! So then I stumbled upon 
[ every hair porn lover's wildest dream]
 and met all types of women/girls that I learned SOO much from!! 
I learned that I had about 3-4 different textures of hair on my head, loose to coarse from front to back (in that order), and I learned TONS of different styles =))

What I ALSO learned was how to be a product junkie!
 *Guiltyyyy *in my Peter Griffin voice*
I had a bag FULL of half-to-barely used products because, of course, EVEEERRRYYY time me and mommy went to the grocery store/pharmacy/beauty supply I HAD to get a new bottle of conditioner, or I HAD to get another leave-in cause somebody on Fotki said that they LIVE by it and I HAVE to try or I'll DIE! Mommy usually gave me the -___- look....

Now it was time to experiment!!
I only did it on weekends though cause I wasn't comfortable goin to school w/ it yet...
One Saturday night during my Sophomore yr,  i braided my hair and was like...
" Hmm, I think I might wear my hair in a braidout on Monday"
When I tell you, I was NERVOUS! All day Sunday I was convincing myself that nobody was gonna be clownin on me cause Imma look good no matter what! 
So I gathered up my confidence and did what needed to be done.

Before braids (tehehe, froggy robe =))

Braided =))
Next morning!!! =D

 SOOO, the next morning I went to school and everybody was LOVIN IT!!
 They were like,
"OMGOSH! How'd you get your hair like that??I like it"
 And I was like,
"Hehe, you know how I do..."  
*like a loser =P*
And from that day on??
I was killin the game. lmao

 After braidouts, I pretty much graduated to wearin a puff ALL the time.
My waves were always SPINNINGGGG ~~~~~~~~~
 Cause once my braidouts got fuzzy...

*spritz spritz spritz*
 {apply headband} 
~slick down edges w/ EcoStyler~

A Puff is born!
My friends freakin loved my puff...their hands STAYED in it and I'd be like,
"Dang yo, you messin me up!"
*starts fluffin it back out*

Flat twist out Sophomore yr

After a while, I was looking for some more style ideas, and so I went on YouTube to learn how to flat twist and cornrow, and even though they didn't come out that great...
They were pretty busted at times
..the flattwist/braidouts were always BANGIN. But i didn't do them too much cause since I was SOO great at it *sarcasm* it took HOURS and that joint  made my arms hurt =(

Dr. Akbari's curly fro!! =) I think this was my Jr. yr...

Another style I learned on YouTube was the Curly Fro by Dr. Akbari
Remeber that one??
Tried it out, went to school, and AGAIN...everyone LOVED it. And so did I!
Now that I think about it...that was the only time I actually did that style...
*adds to "To-do" list.*

Me and one of my best friends Senior year <3

Every once in a while I'd straighten my hair...not often though; only about once a yr.
I really didn't like straight hair anymore. 

I mean, after being able to achieve such cool styles wit my natural hair, why the HELL would I wanna wear it straight all the time??
[I didn't. lol]

This braidout was my Junior year...but I had to put it down here cause I have to explain to yall HOW much this braidout actually POPPED
Like...I got a GOOD week and a half outta this braidout! And i didn't want it to end!!
I WISH I could remember what I used...and if I did I'd tell yall, but I don't =((


<---LOOK AT THIS!!! I still can't believe that this is my hair!!!!

This is how I wore it that night...I just CAREFULLY pulled some of the section apart and clipped my bang outta my face.

Me and my friends  were havin our weekly "outing" to Applebees for our 25cent wings
 after 10pm EVERY Thursday night. lmao
[They discontinued the 25cent wing special know black ppl and chicken....]

My first wash & go! =))

During the summer I would do wash & go's w/ Suave Coconut and Fantasia IC gel. Suave coconut has pretty much been a staple for me since BEFORE I started my "journey" [if you can call it that]
Wash & go #7084613974639402308963
My mom has always used it on my hair...and my hair freakin LOVES it. I still use it to this day! It's just the best freakin cheap conditioner there is! My hair loves coconut period...
Must be the Trini in me ;)

Sooooo FFWD to Senior year [again]...

Senior class pic day best friend had joined me in the natural journey towards the end of our Junior yr, so NOW i had a partner in natural CRIME!

I did her big chop for her...[ yay me!] cause one day her lil crazy behind came to my house and was like, "I'm ready! I'm ready! Just chop it off!!"
So I did! lol

Senior trip
For out class trip, I had gotten braids for the first time in my life...and came to the realization that I'm ALLERGIC to synthetic hair!! 
When I tell you, my head was ITCHIN!!! OMGOSH!!
 I only had them in for about 2-3 weeks. I couldn't take it anymore....

I thought I was so cute. lmao

After the braids were out, I started experimenting w/ styles I'd never tried before and altering my braidouts and twistouts into new styles..
 Like my lil twist out fro-hawk thing I got goin on here -->>

And then there was PROM. 
Now, ORGINIALLY, I had wanted to wear my hair natural for prom...I searched high and low for a style that would suit my dress perfectly...but:
1. I couldn't find one
2. I couldn't find any REASONABLY PRICED natural hair stylists in my area -__-

Who was full of herself that night??? *points to self*
So one of my OTHER best friends did my hair for me!! I didn't want all of my hair straightened cause you KNOW...
Can't have no heat damage up in here! 
So she talked my into getting a cap. She said it was gonna be glued on and I was like,

"OH! WHOA! NO! You aint gluing NOTHIN! I don't want no glue in my hair!!!" 

*like a diva*

She explained that the hair would be glued to the cap-not to my hair...I was like,

 "....Oh. Okay." LOL

He wasn't my date, but he matched
And she did a BANGIN job!! *that's why I lubb her!!!*

She left a small section of hair out in the front to straighten and hide the line from the cap. I SWEAR I had the best hair that night...

The weekend of Prom me and my friends went to Atlantic City...something CRAZY happened,
[won't get into detail]
....that's my loser friend hatin on my beauty. lmao Gotta love him though
...but ANYWAY, my cap was RUINED sooo, moving on...

Senior Awards Night my hair was back in my signature puff, edges slicked back...lookin all types of good!! Gettin all types of complements!!

..and THEN Graduation *sniffle sniffle*

THIS was my hair BEFORE I went outside

It was rainy on our graduation day...
BOOOOOOO we had to have it in the gym
And when I tell you it was HOT! before I left the house, I was in my head like,

"I just straightened my hair and it's about to be a thousand degrees in that gym...lemme grab my half wig...."

So I did!! LOL

Me and Daddy <3

My hair poofed up wit the QUICKNESS, sooo...once I got to school, I went RIGHT in that bathroom, wig and comb in hand, placed that bad boy on my head, put my cap on and TADOW! 

Poofy hair - DEFEATED.

The ALL. WRONG. lmao

That weekend after graduation I had gone to club for the first time EVER..
 and threw my poofed out hair back w/ a banana clip, slicked down my edges w/ some Jam 
[yall know what I'm talkin bout]
and proceeded to get on bad w/ my friends and cousins for my Graduation/ Birthday party!

I also had it this way for Father's day 
[which was the day after my party...lmao]


Over the summer, me, my best, and my family went to Myrtle Beach!! I was enjoying my freedom w/ my wash and go's and ROCKIN the MESS outta my fresh-outta-the-sea hair.

Fresh-outta-the-sea hair <3
Little did I know, my best...
[that's what I call her]
 ..was a lil jealous of the freedom that i had w/ my hair during vacation and this was when she first considered going natural herself!! 
{She's natural now...YAYNESS!]

By this time, I had already mastered the art of wash & go's for myself and had no trouble w/ my hair whatsoever at this point. 

No complaints. 
No more questions. 
And I LOVED it.

But as much fun as I had that summer, had to end. HENCE, a new chapter of my life would begin: COLLEGE.

Now, since I've begun college, I find myself either not having the time or not having the ENERGY to do my hair. Since I'm in Culinary school I have it pretty good since we wear a hat ALL the time [unless we're in our Academic classes.] 
Another thing I was iffy about before coming here, was having my coconut oil, shea butter, aloe vera gel, mayo, eggs, etc... in the fridge or in the bathroom and my roommate being on some, " WTF is all this for? You cookin something?" But contrary to my assumption, she was cool about it! She'd be like, "Ooooohhhhh, what's that for?" And I'd tell her for my hair, and she'd ask me what it does to it and i'd tell her and she'd be like, "...Coooooool" lmao. I MISS HER! 
I would mostly wear my hair in big ol' braids or twists and if I had an academic class, I'd either take them out or leave them in and throw them back into a ponytail or bun...or have on one of them thick hairnets [my BEST friend]

Most of the time when i was just chillin in the dorms, I'd have on my headscarf or my bonnet. It's not like I was tryna impress anybody,

My friends would try and crack on me talkin bout I got my Secret Life of the Bees or my Miss Ceily braids in..lmao!! 
They were so wrong! But I didn't care...I didnt feel like doin my hair, so that's how it stayed until I had to go somewhere. So while they were spending HOURS straightening their hair so we could go to the club
 [ and sweat it back out] 
I'd wait till they were about 3/4 of the way done, went in the bathroom wit them, took my braids out, fluffed, separated, and stuck my tongue out. lmao! 
Then they'd be like, "I wish I could do that...I wish that's all I had to do."
 And I'd be like, "Well, if you was natural, then you COULD."
 And of COURSE that triggers the "OH, NO. I couldn't be natural! That's too much work! My hair's too nappy! I don't have hair like yours Kayla, I got that Kunta hair!"-__- [They was whilin]
And I'd be like, "Aight, whateva." After all, it ain't MY hair bein damaged. lol

Me and my "big brother" that I never asked for in Ireland on Thanksgiving

SPEAKING of damaged...
 I had to cut my hair before i went to Ireland because of single strand knots.>_<
 I cut off a good 3 inches...but it was fine w/ me! 
The less damaged hair on my head, the better. After the trip to Ireland I was finished at this school, so I went back home until graduation

...this was my New Year's Eve hair done by my homegirl Sondriel from Ouidad in Manhattan. I love that girl!!

FFWD to graduation!!!

was what my hair was SUPPOSED to look like at graduation. 
I LOVE havin big, fluffy hair and I was SOOO excited to flaunt this style at graduation cause I was lookin TOO classy!!!

<-------THIS is what my hair DECIDED to do. 
I mean, GRANTED it was May, but DANG. I can't get a break!

Me + graduation seems to = poofy hair

I think I should make it a trend for my next graduation....

At this point I hadn't been in school since December, and I got back the spark to start experimenting w/ my hair again.These were some 3 strand twists I had can't really see them, but...ehh.

As you can see, that front one is NOT mini cause i started gettin tired -__-

Now, I STILL didn't FEEL like doin my hair..
Even though I had all the time in the world.
..but I decided to take a stab at mini twists.

Those joints took ALL FLIPPIN DAY. 
And after massaging my poor, cramped lil hands and aching arms I swore to NEVER do them AGAIN!!

On some model ish in my window...yall aint ready. lmao

 That is until I saw the twistout.... =)
Since then, I think I've done them about 4-5 times. Cause yet AGAIN, I don't feel like doin my hair. The GOOD thing w/ mini twists is that I can leave them in for about a month...take them down, wear that twistout for about a week and a half, wash it, and do it all over again. Which has BASICALLY been my regimen since I started school again..

<---this was a GOOD mini twist result...since I actually took my time. lmao

Basically, since I've been here, I've been doing twists and twistouts. I've been trying to manipulate my hair as little as possible since I'm trying to reatin length and improve my overall health, both hair AND body!!

<<<----Braidout on blowdried hair

Mini twistout  --->>>>

<<<------same mini twistout the following week

Sorry it was so lengthy but
Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My FIRST Sunday Self Inspiration Post!!

This is BeatuifulBrwnBabyDol, a natural hair advocate on YouTube.
 I freakin ADORE her.
She is SO inspirational..and she was actually one of the YouTube personalities I looked up to even BEFORE she blew up! Back when she did those really thick twists w/ the Kankelon?? Yeah.
I've always wanted to try to do those....

and here's my first Sunday Self Inspiration post <3

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My love affair w/ Zumba...

LOVE IT!!!!!

I haven't updated or added any new vids cause I haven't been working out lately (shhhhh....)
 but I AM looking for new vids to workout to...
And you can do this too!

Go on YouTube and look up "Zumba" and there will be THOUSANDS of vids for you to choose from.
I go for the ones that are fun and fast paced...and easy to learn, hehehe...=)
I decided to do Zumba on YouTube cause I figured it'd be cheaper than buying the DVD's...
*broke college student status* (I'm just sayin!)

Why I LOVE Zumba so freakin much!
1. It burns calories! Like 400-something/ hour
2. You sweat...ALOT.
3. You don't feel like you're working out! You smile and dance and have fun! It's like a euphoria...
4. You'll want to do it again, GUARANTEED. (Unless you're one of those ppl who can't be pleased by ANYTHING.) -_______-
5. It's fun and effective!!! <-- this is the most important fact right here!!

If you're more into the group effort, look up the nearest Zumba classes in your town/city.
Trust me, you won't be disappointed!

What are you waiting for????