Saturday, March 10, 2012

Obsession #1: FITNESS

DAMN, I wish my booty looked like this!!
I'm about to make yall aware of my new found obsession w/ fitness...

Now, I'm not tryna get all muscular and nasty lookin like the bodybuilding chicks on here...but I DO wanna get close to all of the HEALTHY lookin chicks on this page.
 Lemme tell, you..they have some BAD girls on this page!  
Some of it may make you say "Eww, she's built like a dude" -___-
and Others will make you say "DAMN! She's bad as hell!!" =O
It just depends on what you view to be over kill.
TO ME: This is OVERKILL >_<
TO ME: This just right! =)

My overall goal is to become FIT. NOT thin.

I've been chubby my whole life, and all the weight fluctuations I've gone through have taken it's toll on my poor lil body =((
I mean, I may be 20, but tell that to my boobs! *gasp!*
The heaviest I've been was 199..and I was ONLY 12!!
 I got down to about 170-180 by High School and kinda bounced around between that weight.
By my Senior yr in HS I got down to my goal weight of 160 [YAY!!] but gained it all back when i went away to college [Boooo =( ]. 
I was about 170-180 AGAIN..and began to lose weight when we went to Ireland cause the food over there was N.A.S.T.Y!! While I was there, I went through a pretty bad breakup so when I got back home, I didn't really have an appetite most of the time..but I got over it by the time I went to Trinidad for Carnival =D
In Trinidad, I sweat, danced, and walked off about 10lbs and was back to 160 in time for graduation!!
When I got back home, I wanted to maintain that weight so i started jogging every morning for about 2 months. I think I gained about 8lbs though cause of...well....eating [GUILTYYYY *in my Peter Griffin voice*
Once i got to this college, I VOWED to myself that I would utilize the gym as much as physically possible...and i DID! 
On top of that, I changed my eating habits and strolled my hungry butt ova to the salad bar in the caf and ate a salad w/ every meal (except breakfast) and started doin Zumba!!<--my first love <3

Right now:
 I'm down to a size 8 [the smallest I've been in my adult life =O]
 150lbs FLAT.
5'9" <--yeah, I'm TALL
I'll give yall some measurements once I actually measure myself, but the last time it was about:

Bust: 35
Waist: 28 1/2
Hips: 38 1/2
 Them halves be killin me....

And even though I'm at a great size and weight, I'm not satisfied w/ my body's overall appearance.
 *you feel me?*
So the goal is to tighten it up, smooth it out, lift and know, get ready to wear a bikini for the first time in my life!! *BIG gasp!*

And NOW, please enjoy my lil embarrassing pic montage below x-P

Me [and my niece] I think I was about 9..?

POSIN at my Senior year Awards ceremony =)

Me and niece #2...that Freshman 15 got to me!! >.<'
 October (length check *hehe*)
Sept '11
College #1 graduation w/ my friend Tykell
Me and my mommy! Now...well, Christmas. lol

Disclaimer: All fitness model pictures were retrieved from and I do not own any of these pictures. No copyright infringement intended.

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